Japanese Village Restaurant

Japanese Village Restaurant Details

Japanese Village Restaurant
170 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5V


(613) 236-9519

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4.68/5 I have visited this restaurant several...
Dec 19, 2009 by benf
0 Replies
I have visited this restaurant several times and its been worth every cent on each of our visits. I generally go there for family gatherings as it is always entertaining and the food is always well prepared. The cook was very professional and at the same time entertaining and funny. The only non positive comment came from my girlfriend was that the ventilation was not the best and we can smell the food we had on our clothes when we got home. I for one was not concern over that as everything else was excellent. I eat out 8 to 10 times a week and there are many other short fall that concerns me more.

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AddressJapanese Village Restaurant
170 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON
Phone(613) 236-9519
Web SiteClick here to visit web site.
Rating Pending more votes