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4.75/5 Carlos Cordoba Md Aesthetica MD
Jan 03, 2011
Le Dr Cordoba est très bon en Chirurgie Esthétique. Le seul qui prend le temps de t'écouter. Il ma fait une augmentation mammaire. Mes seins sont très beau.

3.25/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Dec 15, 2010
I'm now 9 months post-op for ala retraction/hanging columella (nostril show, flaring nostril) corrective surgery with Dr Antoniak. I'm not satisified. Ala retraction rhinoplasty is 'one of the most difficult' so I'll try to be fair. This was my 1st time. What bothers me, in hindsight, is the lack of careful assessment and proposed plan. The consultation consisted of a 10 min examination where he mentioned a possible graft from my ear to fill the ala gap. After surgery I found out this wasn't done. Asking why, he said 'because it would look surgical'. I now have about 5 mm of nostril show on the left side. The critiques I've received are: it looks the same ($6500 later). The 'tongue and grove' technique failed. Online, I've seen surgeons who can 'make it happen'. Dr Antoniak provides no photos of past work performed. He mentioned the terms 'Micheal Jackson' and 'feminine' upon my request to finish the job. I should have gone to revision surgeon right off the bat. I'll report back if he fixes it, or doesn't.

5/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Nov 30, 2010
It has now been one year since my septo-rhinoplasty with Dr. Antoniak and I'm very happy with the results. I had a dorsal hump, bulbous tip and very deviated septum. Now my nose is straight and cute and I can breathe! A lifelong snorer/heavy breather, I have not snored once since it healed. Dr. Antoniak is just simply a true professional, and his staff is excellent. I loved the digital imaging; it allowed me to see what he had in mind for me and discuss it with him. Getting this surgery was the best decision I ever made, and worth every penny.

4/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Nov 30, 2010
I had Both Otoplasty and Rhinoplasty. The Otoplasty results are very good, while the Rhinoplasty result is not very very good. My dorsal hump was not shaped well. Nasal bone is not straight enough a hump is still there.... I cannot really understand why. but overall result is fine.. I think he should've done this better. I do not know if he corrects his work or not. So I would say for Otoplasty he is a good surgeon. for rhinoplasty, I will question this.

5/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Nov 30, 2010
I had cosmetic septorhinoplasty done by Dr. Antoniak over 1 month ago and I am very satisfied with the outcome. I had a minor septal deviation, a dorsal hump and I wanted it shortened. Dr. Antoniak did an excellent job! My recovery went very well and my nose, even though it is still a bit swollen, looks very natural and I am very happy with it. His staff was extremely friendly and helpful. The only aspect I would suggest improving is the pre and post-op instructions provided to patients. I found that the documentation was not thorough enough. I spent a lot of time on the internet during my recovery and found lots of useful information that could have been compiled in a booklet to better prepare patients for the procedure. Again, I highly recommend this surgeon for nose surgery. I also wondered at first what was better - a plastic surgeon or ENT. The outcome of my surgery confirms that I made the right choice.

5/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Nov 30, 2010
Let me start off with this: he is an ENT first and then a plastic surgeon. In my personal opinion if you are just going to him for a cosmetic surgery then you may want to consider a doctor who is an ENT, but has focused all his efforts towards cosmetic surgery. I was a case of deviated septum leading to breathing problems, uneven nostrils and a dorsal hump. So I was looking for a person who could not only give me a beautiful nose but was also able to fix my breathing problems, and was able to give me a functional nose. He is an amazing doctor helped me with my insurance coverage, gave me all the right feedback. What I seriously discourage anyone considering facial plastic surgery is to not go to a plastic surgeon who specialises in general plastic surgery( One who does breast reduction, breast implants, tummy tucks and claims to do a rhinoplasty as well.)

0.25/5 Antoniak Gregory P Dr
Nov 30, 2010
I had to have two rhinoplasty surgeries with this doctor and my nose now looks worse than ever. It is unsymmetrical and the tip of my nose has a jagged edge that feels like it will punch through the skin. This man is not a plastic surgeon but more of a ****. Anyone considering getting any kind of plastic surgery done with this man should definitely reconsider.

5/5 Gross I G MD
Nov 30, 2010
Dr. Gross did both of my carpal tunnel surgeries. He was very good. Very caring, especially after I feel down on ice and had to have one of the wounds cleaned of dirt and rock salt, ouch! I developed it carpal tunnel again and he was very caring, agreeing to try time off instead of going straight to surgery and it worked! I would recommend him to anyone!

5/5 Gross I G MD
Nov 30, 2010
I had two surgeries by Dr.Gross, he's extremely calm, makes you feel reassured the minute you meet him. My surgery were a great success, eventhough I had some minor complications, he was there to reassess me at a last minute booking, he was very attentive to my pain & available when I needed treatment. Thank you Dr. Gross.

5/5 Gross I G MD
Nov 30, 2010
I had a breast reduction 6 months ago and he was recommended to me by a friend. All I can say is that Dr. Gross did an absolutely amazing job, and I should have done this 10 years ago. He was thorough, diligent, reassuring and certainly made me feel at ease about the procedure. He is a perfectionist at best and as a result I have minimal scaring, in fact almost next to nothing!! This is a doctor who takes his profession/career seriously and to another level in that he doesn't do anything that could possibly affect the stability of his hands and could affect his performance in surgeries! This is normally a day surgery but he had me stay overnight at the hospital (as with all these types of patients) in the event of possible complications! How many doctors do you know go that extra mile for their patients? Dr. Gross is truly an amazing surgeon and I highly recommend him for cosmetic or plastic surgery. Thank you so very much Dr. Gross!

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